Monday, December 6, 2010


On December 4th, Derek sawed down his first Christmas tree with my family! After finding its perfect place in the living room and trimming it so it fits, Derek and I started to decorate the tree. Its coming along quite nice. A quick break for lunch and back to decorating. Derek is sitting on the floor separating bulbs and handing me ornaments. I keep hanging the special ornaments on the right places on the tree. I see a little silver box nestled in the tree.Inside the box is a diamond ring! I turn to Derek and ask how long its been there. He said since lunch. I put up about 3 ornaments until I found it. All I could do was smile and look at him. He stood up and hugged me and asked if I would marry him. Of course I said yes! Hugs and kisses. My parents came in and saw the look on my face and instantly knew! Mom got mushy which in turn made me mushy. More hugs and smiles and soon my cheeks started to hurt. Picture after picture, I am still seeing spots. I am so excited.


  1. Congratulations Heather and Derek! I am so happy for you and I cant wait to meet the lucky guy!

    PS: I really think you should post some of those pictures!

  2. This is beautiful! I am so happy for the two of you.

  3. Owwwww.... Heather I am so excited for you!! I cant wait to meet him!!
